What are the molecular determinants that underlie cardiac fibroblast activation and diversification in the context of ischemic injury and heart failure?

“We propose that integrative single cell and spatial genomic technologies allow to dissect the cellular heterogeneity of cardiac fibrosis driving mesenchymal cells and their mechanisms of activation to guide the development of novel therapies for patients with heart failure.”
Rafael Kramann, RWTH Aachen University, Senior Investigator- Q2
Network Members

Rafael Kramann, MD, PhD
RWTH Aachen University, Senior Investigator – Question 2
- Phone: 49 241 80-37750
- Email: rkramann@ukaachen.edu

Nadia Rosenthal, PhD
The Jackson Laboratory & Imperial College London, Senior Investigator – Question 2
- Phone: 207.288.1808
- Email: nadia.rosenthal@jax.org

John Bachman, PhD
The Jackson Laboratory, Early Career Investigator – Question 2
- Email: john.bachman@jax.org